Let’s sort your

seo strategy

SEO (search engine optimisation) is a really powerful tool for your business when done correctly

Why SEO?

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO, for short!) is a really powerful tool for your business… when done correctly. This is why baseline SEO is included in all of our website packages because there’s no point having an amazing website if it’s not going to show in Google (and other search engine) results.

A good SEO strategy can improve your visibility on Google which can help increase your bookings and your business’ awareness.

SEO is all about consistency, this is why we have put together two SEO packages, that are designed to augment the baseline SEO already worked into your website from us!

person using macbook pro on table

Our packages

External SEO | Google My Business – £129

Because SEO isn’t JUST about your website itself!

This is designed to help you augment the SEO for your business, in the fastest, most effective way! It’s best for businesses with a brick-and-mortar location, or a well defined service area that can be listed in the Google Map.


  • Google My Business Optimisation
  • Google Maps Listing Optimisation

External SEO Plus – £450

Because sometimes you need MORE than just Google My Business Optimisation!

This is designed to help you augment the SEO for your business, and create a plan for you to use moving forward for SEO directly on your site! 


  • Google My Business Optimisation
  • Google Maps Listing Optimisation
  • 12 Month Blogging Plan Designed by an SEO Expert, customised to your industry, location, and niche

Have a question?

If you’ve got a question that isn’t answered in our FAQs,
please don’t hesitate to reach out and we can get you an answer!
None of my 'traffic lights' are green
And that’s ok! Having green traffic lights are not the be-all or end-all, in fact, trying to get everything green can actually have a detrimental affect on your SEO.
Why are your packages so cheap?
Because we don’t need to go in monthly for hundreds or thousands of pounds in order to help increase your visibility. In fact, going in monthly to make a tonne of changes for your SEO can, you guessed it, be detrimental to your website as Google won’t be able to keep up with all the changes you are making.
Can you just do it for me?
Yes we can! We do offer retainer SEO packages however, because of the way SEO works, we only take on a couple of clients per location, otherwise we would end up competing with ourselves and that’s not fair on us or you! Contact us today to discuss your SEO needs.
“Ellen helped me make the change from an in person yoga business to an online yoga. She built out my website and made it really easy for my customers to access my work digitally. Not only was she an absolute pleasure to work with but she took all the stress out of the tech for me and was always one step ahead of my needs.”

– Rachel Smithbone

Custom Solutions
Bespoke design means bespoke solutions. And if you need to be paired with software and third party programs to meet the needs and goals of your new site, we’ll make that happen.
Mobile first webpage design
Over 75% of the traffic your website will get is on mobile devices – that’s why our designs are all mobile-first. Our websites are designed for phones!
Integrates with Booking Software
As long as your booking software includes online booking… we can integrate it into your new site, for a seamless customer experience.
No Hidden Fees
There are no hidden fees or upsells to your package, Kotze Creative believes in full transparency, up front.
99% Uptime
Our partner servers have 99% uptime, meaning you won’t have to worry about server failures preventing site access.
Worry-free hosting
With Kotze Creative you never have to worry about making changes or updates. We can support with bespoke maintenance plans based on what you and your business needs.

Let’s create something amazing together